Tonight's meeting was very uplifting. I didn't feel chastised for not doing everything I should and there was a peace that accompanied the messages. If you didn't have time to watch the session, be sure to read the inspired words. I took a few notes during the meeting, but this is just what I got from it, and each of us receive our own message when we listen and read the words of our leaders.
I love the idea of turning back to our heritage and re-evaluating the purposes and goals of Relief Society as an organization. I believe that the organization is essential in building Zion. Emma was wise in combining the efforts of all of the sisters to serve the sick, needy, or weak.
The talks on Christ-like service and visiting teaching tied right in with the mission of the organization. Sister Thompson's understanding of the challenges that are inherent with visiting teaching was in-line with some of my own experiences. I think it's important to note that she did not allow those challenges to excuse not serving the sisters we are assigned. I am glad that she is making the shift in visiting teaching being centered on service and relationships, rather than numbers and statistics.
I appreciated the candor of President Monson in describing the judgements that women pass on one another. He seemed to empathize with those of us who avoid the RS meetings because we don't know who to sit by.
I know I spend ten to fifteen minutes changing clothes, changing shoes, and then a few minutes before we leave to change again. The problem isn't that I feel judged by the women in my ward. I think my problem lies in the judgement that I lay on myself. The comparisons I make on myself, to those around me. I know I never measure up in my own eyes.
I don't believe that any one really even notices others that they see on a regular basis. I couldn't tell you what so and so wore last week, and I doubt that anyone notices me. Maybe I'm the only one like this, but I think that I'm not. I'm using this general meeting to convince myself that I need not judge myself so harshly. Instead of focusing on how I don't measure up, I will try to focus on how I can lift others up.
How are you serving those around you?
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